How to Make Your Business Stand Out- Rise Above the Noise
Are you a trendsetter or an imitator?
When you stand out your competitors will not know how to compete with you because they will not know what you are going to do next.
On the other hand, if you follow what's in trend everyone knows what the other person is doing and each company can predict what the other will do and just do the same thing in a better way. It's noisy out there; it's crowded with people doing the same thing, offering the same average thing.
No offense but if you have reached a hard point in your life, career or business, congratulations!
You are in a good place. That may sound harsh but sometimes life deals with what you need in order to reposition you and refocus you back in alignment
Don’t be Average, Don’t Fit In!
Sometimes you may find yourself too far to the left or right chasing what society believes you should chase and forget to just centre and tap in.
When you try to do what everyone else is doing, and follow the same path, you will end up like everyone else in the myriad of absolute mediocrity.
A second-hand copy of someone that once led.
When you mold into who you think you should be instead of being who you are, you are on course for failure.
You’ve possibly grown up thinking of fitting in, getting in line, while you should truly be standing out.
For instance, if you go to a business conference everyone looks so boring, black navy suits. No one stands out, everyone looks and sounds blah. Regurgitating the same information to sound intelligent and unfortunately, it takes something to break that person down to see the real them.
Go on Record as a Trailblazer
I love the word magnetic because when you truly start to tap in, people will be drawn to you and your company.
When your magnetic DNA is running through your company you will become that place that everyone wants to work in.
You have that power to create that right now because of who you are.
You don’t need a PHD in business to be magnetic you just need to know yourself.
Be true; de-robe yourself of all that stuff, the gown you are wearing because you think it’s the right way.
My friend, there is no right way or wrong way there's only your way.
You are in a league of your own. Nobody can compete with that. So go ahead and do you.
You Have Got What it Takes
If you're in business right now take a weekend away to dream again, search within. You have everything you need right now to fulfill your dreams. Check-in with you, what feels right, what feels wrong or is there something that needs to be changed?
Stop listening to the many voices. Listen to that still, low voice that is trying to guide you
What are You Doing Differently?
Why should I call you? What are you doing or giving me that I can’t get from someone else? If you do what everyone else is doing you will drown in the sea of blah!
What's special about you that people can get from you that no one else in this world can give? You have it.
Do you know how I know you have it, because if you're reading this you're alive and if you're alive you have something that no one else has.
Value Yourself
However, you can’t only see it but you must also value it. You must understand its worth. If you don’t, you will drown.
What Are Your Goals?
What goals do you have for your business? What do you want to be known for? What work do you want to be able to say, “This is what I do”? There is a life of excellence calling, you can reach the place where people seek you and call you because of what you carry.
I don’t know about you but that’s the place I want to be.
Use Your Unique Voice
What new ways can you introduce to your business and industry? Whatever is the usual way of doing something, have you questioned if it can be done in a different way?
A way that fits who you are.
To climb out of the sea of mediocrity you are going to have to gain a voice. You are going to have to have a perspective and not apologize for it.
Rise above the noise, find your unique voice and use it.
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Be sure to listen to my show ‘It’s Time To Own It’ available on iTunes and Spotify, where I discuss all things Business and how to take your life to another level! Click here to listen
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