Make 2020 the Year You Start Making Wealth - My Top Tips
A big impediment to wealth is the idea that wealth is limited. You gain and someone else loses.
You must BELIEVE wealth is UNLIMITED!
Someone else doesn’t need to lose in order for you to gain wealth.
Most people think that the market is limited and therefore charge less in order to get business, but this is furthest from the truth.
In your business, you have to make decisions for your business and not for your customers, so don’t worry about those that can’t afford you because this will be like projecting their fears upon yourself.
The key point you need to have in mind at all times is that everybody has plenty of money to buy whatever they decide they want to buy.
What does this mean for you? There are plenty of customers out there who can afford and will appreciate what you offer. Don’t limit yourself with fear by focusing on those who can’t.
#1 prevention of wealth.
Fear will hold you back from achieving the wealth you desire. It will prevent you from excelling in the areas you need to create financial freedom. When you fear that someone can't afford you – you are making the decision for them and it reflects what's going on internally with you.
We are conditioned to be fearful and are controlled and inhibited by our fears, which we have learned from others. Whilst God has not given us a spirit of fear.
Wealth is not attracted to pity or victims. In fact, a victimization mentality repels wealth Victims repel money. Blaming others, blaming circumstances communicates a sense of weakness.
There are no victims. Only volunteers.
Taking 100% responsibility means acknowledging that you create everything that happens to you and To be truly successful you have to give up blaming and complaining and take responsibility for all results, successes, and failures.
The only way to fight fear is to gain confidence.
Confidence shows people that you have an understanding of your subject and people will be attracted to that. This means you have no time to play the victim.
#2 Prevention of wealth
Offering excuses is a poor habit that does not attract success. Money can not flow to a person who flows excuses.
Excuse making is the worst of all habits.
Try keeping a log of excuses you make or those made to you by others, it’ll give you knowledge that will help you improve your performance.
How to start creating wealth in your life.
Most people speak lack, poverty, inadequacy, doubt, and fear but Your vocabulary provides instructions.
What are you speaking about in regards to wealth? Money follows confidence, Because confidence is influence and people follow influence.
In business, you have to make yourself the influence, the focal point on all advertising. Tell your story along with other influential people in your field.
#4 Build a personal brand
No matter who it is people are influenced and attracted to celebrity. People buy people, especially in business. You’re not just building a business you’re building a brand.
To build your personal brand you have got to get out there, Wealth won't find you if you are at home in front of the tv. Place yourself In places where opportunity can occur. This could be in your local groups, a local radio show, serve in a charity board or even write or speak at a function, DO SOMETHING!
Be somewhere, be everywhere
Build and Nurture relationships they are your assets. Don’t see people as opportunities or outcomes, but focus on a relational transaction. Wealth is built on a multifaceted continuing process.
View every customer as a valuable asset to build and maintain a solid relationship with.
Be known for absolute reliability.
Taking actions is what separates the successful from the unsuccessful. Your wealth dwells in your movement. Layout a plan first locally then nationally.
Everybody has ideas. Talents. Ability. Very Few act on them! Wealth is found from acting on an idea.
Taking action requires you to act before you’re ready; waiting to be ready is procrastination. Your excuse may be time or resources or lack of confidence or even general laziness and ignorance.
Step up and drop these causes of inaction.
Bailey tip- Do one thing a day to create future business for yourself.
I believe wealth comes through business. The best way to create a business is through exposure.
Expose yourself to a lot of ideas, information, news, business success stories, people outside the box of my industry, and so forth.
By exposing yourself to many different things you will start to identify your likes and dislikes and what you’re passionate about.
Start associating yourself with forward-thinking, forward-looking, innovative, and successful entrepreneurs, they will help you to uncover where your true passions lie, which is a key to wealth creation.
There are no boundaries to wealth creation or geographical location.
#7 Get Clarity
Wealth is attracted to clarity.
It's up to you to decide how much money you will receive today, this week, this month, this year. This will depend on the marketing and management plans you create. If you have no plans how can you expect wealth? What actions and initiatives have you scheduled? What are you income and wealth weekly targets? You need clarity on the income you expect.
You need clear, vivid mental pictures of what my business, business life, and life are to look like
If you are not achieving your goals it’s because they are not clearly defined
Wage-earners rarely attract wealth. If you want to attract more wealth, make yourself more valuable.
What you get comes from the value you create and deliver.
Do something that increases the value you bring to your business
When you Increase your value, you increase your wealth.
Master marketing skills in order to gain your ultimate power position as you build your value.
#10 Get Courageous
Fortune favors the bold and Courage attracts wealth! Put yourself out there, be bold, act on your ideas, ignore criticism, and focus on results.
Courage encourages authority and authority moves money; this is why experts get rich.
Key takeaways;
The key is marketing. Everything rests on how well you market
All businesses succeed or die on effective marketing systems
Focus on growing a sales and marketing business
Find the right market and design your service to that market
Carry out extensive demographic market research –
Who is willing to pay? Who is willing to pay a premium?
Systemize your business
Go and thrive.
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