Quit Trying Harder

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Welcome back to another episode of ‘it’s time to own it’

In today’s episode, we are going to talk about how to work smart on your goals.

Have you ever heard of the phrase “same old, same old”? I used to hear it so much and I really got sick of that phrase. Because if you want to move forward in your life, you cannot keep doing the same. I am pretty sure that, wherever you had a significant shift, was because you did something different! So you have to follow new patterns of thoughts and actions. Not just keep on doing the same thing, hoping that one day is all just going to fall into place.

I strongly believe that focusing on the wrong thing is going to lead to burnout. If you keep investing in something, keep putting effort into something, it doesn't mean that once you keep doing it, you're going to get an increase. Pay attention to the important things and keep focusing on them!

So, after finishing listening to the episode, I want you to do an audit on where you're spending your time. That's the first place to help you to start getting clarity. Only this way you will manage to achieve your goals and own who you are!

Listen to the entire episode to learn more about how to become more focused and productive. Rate and review before the next episode.

If you would like to know more about me and my strategies, contact me via:

Email: hello@patricebaileyintl.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/patricebailey_/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PatriceBaileyIntl/

Website: https://www.patricebaileyintl.com/

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