Change your rules. Change your life.

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Welcome back to another episode of ‘its time to own it’

In today’s episode, we are going to talk about how changing your rules can lead to changing your life.

Rules are our set of principles that govern our conduct. Our rules are either taking us to success or blocking success from coming. My rules of engagement have got me this far but some of them can't take me where I want to go. To go where I have never been, I need to do what I have never done, be who I have never been. So, it’s time to change the rules!

If you're not where you want to be right now, I guarantee the only thing that's stopping you is the way you think. Thinking will take you to a whole new level personally and in your professional life but unfortunately thinking is not automatic. You have to learn how to think. That’s really for me the key difference between success and not being successful - knowing how to think and training yourself to think better.

Successful people know how to think correctly. They know how to think to solve problems and they know that things happen when they take action on that thinking.

Listen to the entire episode to learn more about how to change your rules in order to upscale your life. Rate and review before the next episode.

If you would like to know more about me and my strategies, contact me via:





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