The Secret To Owning Your Power
“When you are worried about who you’re supposed to be, you never learn who you are”
~ Jomny Sun.
I want to ask you a question.
Are you ready to exude power and confidence? To ignite that fire burning within you? To allow your real self to shine through?
To be who you were always meant to be.
By understanding a few simple truths, you will gain everything you need to live the life you want and deserve and walk in your awesomeness and power.
That business you want to start, you will. The career move you want to make, nothing will stop you. That life-changing decision you have been scared to face will be made because you are going to own it!
Own who you are. Own that business. Own the lifestyle you choose. Own your assignment, your purpose in life.
We all carry a mental blueprint of ourselves, which becomes our roadmap. Our personal experiences; become an unconscious measuring stick of our perceptions of who we are... This can be built from our own beliefs about ourselves; and from our past experiences.
Every success or failure, every humiliation or triumph, is recorded in our minds, creating a mental picture of who we think we are. Our early childhood experiences and how we were treated live long into adulthood, becoming our so-called ‘truth.’
However, rarely do we question the validity of these ‘truths.’ Instead, we carry them around, and they control our self-image and the belief of what we can and cannot accomplish. They dictate what we view as easy or difficult. They became the basis and foundation of all our actions, feelings, and behaviors upon which our entire personality and circumstances are built. This makes it almost impossible to act any other way; it doesn’t matter how much willpower you have, no amount of it will make you outperform your self-image. Try as you may, you will snap back to whatever it is that you believe yourself to be.
If you believe yourself to be a failure, but its success you seek, it can't happen. To access your power, you have got to see yourself as a success. Really see it, believe it, and feel it!
It's time to accept you. There is no other way. Your first step to freedom is to accept yourself. Every strength, every weakness, and stop living through people's projections of who you are and live through your own eyes. Trust in yourself, belief in who God has called you to be.
Be honest with yourself before allowing anyone else’s opinion to interfere with who you see yourself to be. To unlock your creativity, you have got to be sincere. Your sincerity to yourself will fortify your inner being with a strong sense of security because it's from deep within, and it will give you the permission you need to own who you are without fear of judgment.
Until you own it, you don't own that business, that career, that lifestyle, even your faith because you will always be living in fear of man. Trying to be perfect in other people's eyes to the detriment of your assignment, your joy, your happiness.
Every time we deny our true selves, our gifts, our talents, we prevent the Glory of God here on earth. We fall short of what we are here to do; we won't get the best out of life and remain in a never-ending state of conflict.
Bring it on.
Your success in life and how much power within you access are tied into how you think about yourself.
Take high-performance Athletes; they spend 86% of their time doing nothing but wrestling with their thoughts and emotions. 86% of their performance is dominated by thought and emotion and not their physical actions. More coaches devote more of their time and energy to their athletes’ mental preparation and psychological motivation.
Our Creator engineered us for success; we have access to a power greater than ourselves; anything contrary to this is an error.
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