Now Is The Time To Refresh Your New 2024
Happy New Year! The New Year is here and we’re kicking off with a refresh - Out with the old in with new! This New Year is about going again but with a renewed mind, fresh insights, and a stellar strategy.
The New Year 2024 is all about pivoting your business to get ahead of the game and not get left behind.
It’s about revitalizing yourself and strategizing on how you’re going to forge forward and achieve your desires.
I unashamedly want to see my community thrive this New Year, and if you're a part of my community, that is what we are going to do, if you’re not, you’re welcome to be a part of it.
Anthony Greenbank, The Book of Survival, wrote:
To live through an impossible situation, you don't need to have the reflexes of a Grand Prix driver, the muscles of a Hercules, or the mind of an Einstein. You simply need to know what to do.
As you move forward you need to know what's working and what isn't, this is essential to your life and business.
If your mindset remains the same, be prepared for the same kind of results as your previous years. But if you’re ready to make that shift mentally and physically be assured that you will have a ‘New Year’!
The world is moving at such a rapid pace and now more than ever is the time to get the knowledge to shift faster than before. Therefore as you begin this New Year refreshed and with inflated optimism, I want to give you a 3 point formula to start the year right and increase! - A FORMULA for New Year 2024.
These three things will help you shift your thinking, and how you plan and move forward for the rest of the New Year. Remember, knowing what to do is the key.
Here are the detailed parts of the formula.
Part 1 - Assess Your Value Contribution
Value is the service you give to other people, as perceived by them. This is important to note - value is not what you think but what the receiver believes. Please understand that clear distinction as many go wrong thinking they are giving out a lot of value, but they do not acquire the customers.
Your goal is to serve people and solve their problems. People everywhere are looking for solutions to their problems, they want things to be made faster, easier, and better for them.
Anything that you're doing this New Year that will leverage or preserve time will be of higher value, which will convert to cash.
As you refresh these New Year goals, it’s also important to remember that value is a three-way balancing act between:-
· You living your values
· And the thing you value that enables you to grow and feel valuable inside.
· And giving high perceived value to others
When you can get the balance right, you merge your passion and profession.
Part 2 - Ensure You Have a Fair Exchange Strategy
Creating a thriving business is having something to offer - a product or service or idea that someone perceives valuable enough to pay for. However, you must be open enough to receive fair payment. The payment should include a fair and sustainable profit margin; otherwise, it's unsustainable.
When you are grateful to receive financial, fair compensation, you have a fair transaction.
Value without a fair exchange will create a financial void because you will be giving and not allowing receipt. This could be in the form of not charging enough or pricing too low.
You may think this will win you more customers, but it does the reverse. It has a knock-off effect and reduces your perceived value.
On the flip side, if you charge too high in relation to the value you give, you will be perceived as greedy or ripping people off. You may hit big initially, but it’ll not be sustainable in the long term and this is not part of your New Year resolutions for 2024.
Part 3 - Leverage
Leverage is reach, scale, and impact at speed. It’s achieving more with less.
The more people you can serve and solve their problems, the more money you make.
This could be in the form of customers, followers, or fans. It could be the volume of referrals, repeat business, and customer loyalty.
The more valuable your product, service, or offer, the more satisfied people will be and the quicker it will go viral. This will create an opportunity for you to scale. With this said, you need to remember that scaling too fast is dangerous because what’s broken will be exaggerated and compounded, get prepared and know what to do as you refresh in the New Year 2024.
Remember, you can only leverage and scale long term if you have value and fair exchange.
Keep testing, taking feedback, and tweaking.
And remember you are worth more!
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