Where Are You?
Welcome back to another episode of ‘its time to own it’
In today’s episode, we are going to talk about awareness. To reach your business potential, you've got to know where you are and where you’re going. And that requires taking a long hard look at yourself and the decisions you’re making.
In this episode, I am going to explain the 3 types of people that John Maxwell states - that are also applicable in business - in order to better understand where you are right now. Only this way you will be able to own what you want in your life and business. People say that there are two great days in our life. When we are born and when we discover why. If you don’t know why you’re here and you’re in business, I encourage you to go and seek why. When you align your purpose with your business, you will truly be unstoppable!
When you finally understand in what position you are at this moment, you have to ask yourself these 5 questions I am sharing with you in this episode. These questions will help you start the process to find your passion and purpose.
And keep in mind: If you’re not learning, you’re not growing! Always start by seeking why. As Simon Sinek says “Start with why”.
Join me in this journey of awareness to reach the best version of yourself and own who you are. Listen to the entire episode to learn more about how you can grow your awareness. Let us know how much you are enjoying the show. Rate and review before the next episode!
If you would like to know more about me and my strategies, contact me via:
Email: hello@patricebaileyintl.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/patricebailey_/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PatriceBaileyIntl/
Website: https://www.patricebaileyintl.com/