Not Earning Enough? Here's Why!

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Welcome to another episode of “It’s time to own it”

In today’s episode, I want to share with you some fundamentals that I believe will help you to start contributing more, so you can start earning more.

I meet people all the time who are desperate to be successful, and there is nothing wrong with it. But for me, the problem comes when you're trying to cheat the system. If you really want to be successful, you’ve got to ask yourself daily, what am I contributing to those with who I come into contact? Am I doing it with a helpful spirit, really, or am I being average or below average?

If you want to increase your earning potential, you've got to solve problems and look for problems to solve. Give them more than they asked for! I would say become more so you could share more. Develop a millionaire mindset before you become a millionaire.

Listen to the entire episode to learn more about how to be prepared for the extra mile and increase your earning potential. Let us know how much you are enjoying the show. Rate and review before the next episode!

If you would like to know more about me and my strategies, contact me via:

Email: Email Patrice

Instagram: @patricebailey_

Facebook: @BaileyIntl

Website: Patrice Bailey International